2021 - New Year, Same Vision.

“A new calendar year normally means a clean slate, but when the clocks struck 12 this year, the battle of WORLD vs ‘VID continued….”

SERVICE WITH A (MASKED) SMILE - (Pictured: Barton Store Manager Amy L wearing Glasses by Celine available @ Eyesite)

SERVICE WITH A (MASKED) SMILE - (Pictured: Barton Store Manager Amy L wearing Glasses by Celine available @ Eyesite)

Emergency glasses for key workers?.. Tick! Home deliveries for those trapped in isolation?…. Tick! A military Mrs Hinch style cleaning regime?.. Tick! And our proudest moment of 2020? Attempting to offer style advice whilst dressed as surgeons (PPE for those who are already confused). Well, we can safely say we ALL rocked the PPE visor at Eyesite successfully, as if it were a Dior capsule collection!

THUMBS UP & READY TO ASSIST - (Pictured: Adam at the Cottingham Store wearing Glasses by RayBan available @ Eyesite

THUMBS UP & READY TO ASSIST - (Pictured: Adam at the Cottingham Store wearing Glasses by RayBan available @ Eyesite

All bad jokes aside; throughout all of the madness and chaos surrounding us, one thing we did learn is that we do have our own bunch of heroes working here at Eyesite. Everyone on the team rose to the challenge last year, answering the call from each of our stores, the NHS and from all of those who trusted us to safely deliver their essential eyecare in 2020. We are proud of you all - our Optometrists, Dispensing Opticians, Stylists, Lab Technician and the cleaning staff. Everyone has played their part. Also to YOU our amazing customers who supported us last year; we thank you for trusting us in your hour of need.

SAFE STYLING - (Pictured: Nyomi D at the Beverley Store wearing Glasses by Bottega Veneta available @ Eyesite)

SAFE STYLING - (Pictured: Nyomi D at the Beverley Store wearing Glasses by Bottega Veneta available @ Eyesite)

What is perhaps the most poignant during a pandemic… As we are one of the few sectors permitted to open and interact with the public during each lock-down, we actually delivered much more than just eyewear and eye tests.. We all felt an incredible sense of duty to provide perhaps the most basic of services during this period - a listening ear and a friend to speak to. It’s always been the Eyesite way; but in a year of no holidays and limited freedoms, these interactions certainly helped raise everyone’s spirits; including our own.

Client Review taken from Google.

Client Review taken from Google.

Onto 2021; we go again.

We are by no means out of the woods yet, but we will (hopefully) be here to help you all through 2021 just as we did in 2020. It feels the same, but hopefully this year will be different. But whatever the weather, we’ll make sure you get through the year in style and in the best of health as always.

Together we will win this battle; and we’ll be here to ensure you do it in perfect style.

Happy New Year To You All.

The Eyesite Team